Lethbridge College training tower training action abseiling


Health & Safety

Working at Heights and Rescue Training - Basic

This safety training for work on wind turbines features basic safety guidelines and procedures and emergency rescue drills. The training session enables the participant to conduct rescue operations on wind turbines in a safe manner. The module includes PPE handling, care and maintenance. This module is a prerequisite for all work on wind turbines.

Target Group

All personnel carrying out work on wind turbines.

Learning Outcomes




Assessment Method

Additional Information about the Module and the RSC Standard for Training Providers

Number of Trainers
Theory 1, Practical 2

Trainer Requirements
Trainer qualification by RSC-HSE-23, alternativ Höhenretter gem. AGBF/EUSR oder gleichwertig, alternativ Qualifikation nach TRBS 2121 Teil 2, alternativ Seilzugangstechnik Level 2 IRATA/FISAT. Qualifikation nach DGUV G-312-906. Gültiger Erste Hilfe Lehrgang. Pädagogische Eignung. Gute Kenntnisse der Grundlagen von Windenergieanlagen oder technischen Bauwerken.

Equipment Requirements
Training tower, minimum height 25m; Range of different ladder systems and height access systems; Authorized and certified rescue equipment; Fall arrest devices; Sufficient number of personal fall protection systems

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